Monday, October 31, 2022

Royal Observatory Greenwich

The Royal Observatory in Greenwich is the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the Prime Meridian of the world, and London's Planetarium.  It was established in the late 1600s by Charles II to observe the "motions of the heavens" and "perfect the art of navigation".  We saw the Planetarium show, A Day on Mars.

The Royal Observatory

The observatory is located in Greenwich Park.

View down to Greenwich and
 Isle of Dogs/Canary Wharf beyond the Thames.

The Prime Meridian

Edmond Halley, of Halley's Comet fame

Greenwich home of Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis.
His son, actor Daniel Day-Lewis, grew up here.

Queen's House, former royal residence in Greenwich

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, first human
in space.

A space rock


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