Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Royal Pavilion, Brighton

This morning we caught the train at Victoria Station for the 1 hour ride down to the bohemian seaside resort city of Brighton on the English Channel.  Our destination was the exotic Royal Pavilion, summer palace of King George IV in the early 19th century.  Externally, the building is reminiscent of India's Taj Mahal; internally, it is filled with chinoiserie (art & furniture of China).  George IV's successors, King William IV and Queen Victoria also used the residence as a seaside retreat.

George IV.  He occupied the Royal
Pavilion in the early 1800s.  Construction
of the residence began in 1787.

Queen Victoria

Victoria's husband, Prince Albert

In the gift shop

Sampling eyewear at Snooper's Paradise, a large vintage 
shop in Brighton

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