Monday, October 24, 2022

Return to Leighton House

In the late 1800's a thriving arts colony existed in the Melbury Road area of Holland Park.  Today we re-visited Leighton House, the residence/studio of the painter & sculptor Frederic Leighton; it has just reopened after a multi-year upgrade and is the only artist's home in the colony open to the public.  Lord Leighton was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a collective of painters and poets founded around 1850.

Artwork from the Melbury Colony

Portrait of Frederic Leighton, 1871

Leighton House, rear view

The Arab Hall

Murano chandelier, from Venice

Leighton's studio

Approaching the Arab Hall

Dome detail in the stunning Arab Hall

Floor detail in the Lobby

In the gift shop

A cast of Leighton's hands, taken upon his death in 1896.

Frederic Leighton


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