Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Stroll to South Kensington

Tuesday, December 17, 2019:

Today I returned the camera I recently bought on Kensington High Street.   It was, to my chagrin, defective. I am without a camera until I find another one to purchase.  I'll try taking photos with my tablet.
In the afternoon Eddie and I walked to South Kensington.   South Kensington is a fascinating neighborhood to explore, home to Imperial University and a few superlative museums including the Natural History Museum and Victoria & Albert Museum, all situated in beautiful, palatial buildings.  There are always a lot of tourists and young people walking about in the streets.  One often hears French spoken on the street. South Kensington is sometimes referred to as "Petite France," and is home to the Institut francais du Royaume-Uni, a French cultural center and language school.  Today I enrolled in an intermediate class at the Institut beginning in January.   I'm going to be studying French in London!  Je suis stressé.
Good news. I received noticed that my application for an Oyster 60+ card has been approved, granting me free public transportation throughout London. Residents of London aged 60+ receive free public transportation in the city. Riding public transportation is expensive in London.  The other evening it cost me 4.90 GBP (Great Britain pounds) just to get from Piccadilly Circus to Kensington High Street on the tube. 
Walking from South Kensington back to Kensington this evening made for a pleasant stroll on the side streets.  All the homes are historic, beautiful and well-kept.  Christmas wreathes and trees are not uncommon. It gets dark here now at 4pm.
The Victoria & Albert Museum, South Kensington

The Natural History Museum, South Kensignton

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