Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Walk to Knightsbridge

Wednesday, December 18, 2019: Eddie and I like to walk.  It's the best way to see a city.  Everyday we take a long saunter.  Today we ambled to Chelsea and Knightsbridge.  These days our destinations are driven by the need to purchase something or a desire to eat at one of London's plethora of vegan and vegetarian restaurants. Today we went to Chelsea to buy a camera at Peter Jones Department Store on Sloan Square and have lunch at Wulf & Lamb, a plant-based restaurant.  More about the food in London later.  Suffice to say London is a gourmand heaven.  Every meal I have eaten in London so far has been amazing. From Chelsea we walked to Knightsbridge where Eddie took me into Harrod's Department Store which is owned by the state of Qatar.  What can I say? A visit to Harrod's changes one perspective on the world.  I now realize the world exists solely for the moneyed-class.  I can't even begin to describe what it is like to wander around Harrod's seven floors and see so many people procuring so many expensive things.  The building itself is interesting and was built between 1901 and 1905.  Inside there is a strong art deco feel with Egyptian decorative references.  There are several cafes and restaurants in the building.   The Harrod's Tea Room on the 4th floor was filled with wealthy-looking Middle Eastern women enjoying their Devonshire cream and scones.  London continues to overwhelm me.

Harrods Department Store, Brompton Road (behind red bus)

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