Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Royal Albert Hall

Friday, December 10, 2019, Eddie and I went to "Christmas with the Royal Society" at the Royal Albert Hall.   Prince Albert who first envisioned this building, unfortunately never lived to see it. He died in 1861, at the age of 42; the Hall opened in 1871. Eddie bought tickets for the "rausing circle" section; however, once we sat down my fear of heights forbade me from occupying the seats and we scurried down to the box office to exchange the tickets.  We missed the singing of "God Save the Queen," but found our new seats in the front row of the "Stalls," with an excellent view of the stage. The concert was very British, intended for a strictly British audience, with British carols and references to British culture, politics and geography.  We then walked home to Kensington, along Hyde Park.  Prince Albert's cause of death is an issue still parleyed among some. Said to have died of Typhoid Fever, others have suggested other causes, exacerbated by stress.  At the time of his death, he had nine children and was said to be upset that one of his sons was intimately involved with an Irish actress. Queen Victoria wore black for 40 years after his death. This jewel box is a wonderful legacy of their reign.

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