Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Tate Modern

Located on the south bank of the Thames in the former Bankside Power Station, which generated electricity from 1891 to 1981, the Tate Modern is the most visited art museum in Britain and the 6th most visited in the world.

A portrait by Diego Rivera, 1930

Salvador Dali's Lobster Phone, 1936

The Three Dancers, by Pablo Picasso, 1925

Gothic Landscape, 1961
by Lee Krasner, widow of Jackson Pollock

Visitors mesmerized by Colour Cycle III, 1970
by Peter Sedgley

Lilya Brik, 1923

Swinging, by Wassily Kandinsky, 1925

In the museum cafe.

Apartment 22, by Victor Pivovarov

Suburban Train Arriving in Paris, 1915
by Gino Severini

Relative Quasi Images, by Dora Maurer, 1996

Marcel Duchamp's Fountain, 1917

Shinjuku Station 1962, by Hiro

Pay Nothing Until April, by Ed Ruscha, 2003

Museum lobby

Structure comprised of Venetian blinds
by Haegue Yang, 2015

With a Smile, by Mimmo Rotella, 1962

The artist is Malangatana Ngwenya, 1967

Valentine, by Evelyne Axell, 1966

The Acrobat and his Partner, by Fernand Leger, 1948

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