Monday, July 18, 2022


Today was the hottest day ever on record in Britain.  And I went to Birmingham!  Eddie gave me excellent short-story novel to read on the train, Reunion, by Fred Uhlman.  I found downtown Birmingham to be delightfully messy.   Roads meander in every direction and there is a lot of interesting architecture, much of it old.  

The lift in my hotel is broken so these are the stairs
to my fourth floor room.

Typical downtown buildings

I have no idea what this sign means.

Moore Street Train Station next to Selfridges Department Store

This Selfridges is really wacky. 

Some old rocker dudes.

Mural in the Chinese Quarter

A memorial to the over 2000 people in Birmingham
who died in the Blitz.

Took these photos from Starbucks.

Entry to the Grand Hotel
Next time I may stay at this hotel.

Tomorrow I am going to visit Birmingham's art museum and explore the Jewellery Quarter.

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to see you went to Birmingham. Are you going to Aston Hall Road at all or is it in a "not safe" neighborhood. Birmingham needs some color....only the Chinese buildings had color. But I like the architecture of the buildings and I have to hand it to you with your energy and sharing with others.
