Friday, May 21, 2021

Lambeth Palace Gardens

The garden of the official London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace, was open one evening to raise money for charity.  While wandering the ten acres, we were caught in a dramatic and incessant hailstorm, complete with thunder and lightening.  As such, my ability to take photographs was limited. This garden, established in the 12th century, is one of the oldest private gardens in all of England and it is stunning.

Lollard's Tower, 1434

Fig Trees Originally Planted 1556

Fig Trees "White Marseilles" Variety

Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) in Distance

The Chapel, 1234

A Late Blooming Magnolia

"The Mound" Covered in Narcissus

Doric Temple Pavilion

Blue Cedar Tree, New Lambeth Library in Distance

Live music, Wine and Shelter

Taking Refuge from the Storm

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