Monday, May 24, 2021

A Few Paintings I saw Today in the National Gallery

The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, about 1530.
By Parmigianino.

The Conversion of Mary Magdalene, about 1548
Taken to the temple by her sister Martha, Mary Magdalene
is overcome on hearing Jesus preach.
By Paolo Veronese.

Christ Crowned by Thorns, about 1500.
Probably by Pietro Perugino.

Saint Catherine of Alexander, about 1507
Catherine leans on the wheel upon which
she was condemned to die.
By Rafael.
Virgin & Child, about 1485.
By Alvise Vivarini.

The Virgin Child, about 1485
By Giovanni Bellini.

Madonna on the Meadow, about 1500
by Giovanni Bellini.

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