Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Strawberry Hill

The Castle of Otranto, published in 1764 and still in print, is recognized as the very first gothic novel, a literary genre best described as a pastiche of romance and horror.  Its author is the colorful Horace Walpole, whose propensity for the gothic extended to his quirky 18th century Twickenham "villa", which we visited today.  Known as Strawberry Hill, it typified the "Strawberry Hill Gothic" style of architecture.  Horace, son of the first British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole, spent many years altering the house to suit his flamboyant tastes.  Fully restored in 2012, it is a joy to tour; each room had an enthusiastic and knowledgeable docent to explain its unique features.

Strawberry Hill, acquired by Horace Walpole in 1749

Stairs rising from entrance lobby

Walpole's gothic classic, The Castle of Otranto

Stained glass detail

Portrait of Horace Walpole hanging in his bedroom

The elaborate 17th century lock on his bedroom door!

The magnificent library

Up to the top floor

The Ballroom, with elaborate gilded ceiling

All the colors in this fireplace are individual tiny pieces of marble

Rococo garden seat carved to resemble a very large sea shell


  1. Did some comments but got locked out of google so had to put my name as a blogger and password. All okay now so will comment later but I have nothing but compliments on these pictures and the food and you sitting on the sea shell.

  2. John....what memories you and Eddie will have. Anyone seeing these exquisite paintings and buildings sitting in our living room while going on this journey with you
