Saturday, September 26, 2020

An Amble through Hampstead


Streatley Place, Victorian Hospital Boilerhouse Chimney

Samuel Johnson and his biographer James Boswell
hung out at The Holly Bush pub in the 1640's.

Hampstead Grove

Admiral's House

Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island and
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, lived here.

Holly Walk

St. John's churchyard

Grave of Austrian actor Anton Walbrook, muse of the
British film-makers Powell & Pressburger, most notably
appearing in their 1948 masterpiece, The Red Shoes.

Grave of actress Kay Kendall, the 3rd
of actor Rex Harrison's 6 wives.
Her most famous role was opposite
Gene Kelly in the 1957 musical Les Girls.

Gainsborough Gardens Gate House

Home of famed landscape painter John Constable.

Flask Walk

Today's coffee spot

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