Thursday, April 6, 2023

Eddie, The Early Years

Some recently re-discovered photos ...

School portrait, 1st grade, 1968 

Birthday party, 1964

Out for a spin in the stroller, 1963

Cowboy, 1963

mid-60's, Asbury Park, NJ

Parents wedding, Brooklyn, NY, late 50's

Mom, early 60's

Parents, circa 1960

Mom, Newark, NJ, 1961

Grandmothers, Jersey Shore

With Dad & older brother, 1968

Mom & boys, in the kitchen

Just a baby

A swanky affair.  Dad's parents at center.


  1. Eddie what lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing. You were a very cute little boy and your parents very attractive.....very stunning family and lovely mother. And the last picture of the swanky elegant everyone is.
