Friday, February 10, 2023

Hever Castle

Built in the 13th century, Hever Castle in Kent was the seat of the Boleyn family (from the mid 1400's to the mid 1500's).  It was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's ill-fated 2nd wife.  In the early 20th century the castle was owned and restored by American businessman William Waldorf Astor.

The rustic path from the train station to the castle.

King Henry VIII Pub

Within this church is the tomb of
Thomas Boleyn, father of Anne and
grandfather of Elizabeth I.

Hever Castle is surrounded by a moat.

Henry's first wife, Catherine of Aragon. 

Anne Boleyn

Portrait of Anne

Richard Burton in the 1969 film Anne of the
Thousand Days, filmed at Hever Castle.

The costume worn by Richard Burton
in the film.

Anne's Book of Hours (prayer book), 1527

1525 tapestry

Portrait of Henry VIII

Young Elizabeth, the child of
Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
She became Queen of England in 1558.  

A somewhat older Elizabeth.

Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn
executed for failing to give birth
to a male heir.

The beheading of Anne Boleyn, 1536.

Coronation Robes worn by
Cate Blanchett in the 1998 film

Sir Thomas More

Cardinal Wolsey

The Italian Gardens

The River Eden

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