Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Hughenden Manor

This day found us on the outskirts of High Wycombe in the Chiltern Hills visiting Hughenden, country home of the popular Victorian era prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli.  Dizzy, as he was affectionately known by his intimates, became a favorite of Queen Victoria upon the untimely death of her husband, Prince Albert, and served twice as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: in 1868, and then again from 1874 to 1880.  Surprisingly, Disraeli was also a prolific novelist, writing 17 of them between 1826 and his death in 1881.

Along the road to the house.


Statue of Disraeli

Portrait of Queen Victoria

In the Dining Room

Victoria & Albert

One of the UK's 1st indoor toilets.

A reproduction of the surprisingly small
bed of Disraeli & his wife Mary Anne.

Young Disraeli

Bust of a somewhat older Disraeli.

Death mask of Disraeli

In the orchard

Unique bird houses

Final resting place of Disraeli & his wife.


Friday, February 17, 2023

The Ruins of Farnham Castle

Built in 1138 by the grandson of William the Conqueror, Farnham Castle was the residence of the Bishops of Winchester for 800 years.  In the early 15th century it was the home of Cardinal Henry Beaufort who presided at the heresy trial of Joan of Arc in 1431.  Today we explored what remains of the castle.

St. Andrew's, Farnham's medieval church

We enjoyed a very nice veggie breakfast at the Lion & Lamb.

The High Street.  Farnham is a market town in Surrey,
southwest of London.

Castle Street