Tuesday, December 28, 2021

This is London 2020 & 2021

Photographs I took of London the past two years, presented without explanatory text.  I'll add to this collection of photos in the next couple of weeks.

More photographs to come..


  1. What came in to my head while looking at the pictures was the phase.......those were the days my friend...i thought they'd never end.

  2. I can see why you love where you are staying.....even the pictures of you and Eddie you both look just at home there. You could make a booklet of all your pictures. They are post cards in the making. Take care.

  3. Okay.....where is the unattractive part of London? Those pictures could be in the National Geographic Magazine and I see by the people in t-shirts and shorts that there was some sunny days as all I hear about it the rain every day. The pictures are stunning.
