Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Two Year Anniversary

Friday, December 6, 2019, we arrived in London.  Two years later, we are still here, living life under the great pandemic.   

We continue to note the differences in culture, housing, food and weather between the US and Britain.  Books, in general, seem better bound in the States.  Twice a week, at the designated time, we throw our household garbage out onto the sidewalk in plastic bags, and the garbage vanishes when we aren't looking. Illegal dumping is called fly-tipping. For having 9 million people, London is surprising clean. Eggplant is called aubergine and zucchini is called courgette and both are used more extensively in meals here than in the States. Elderflower mixed with apple juice is a popular drink.  Sausage rolls and vegan sausage rolls are popular.  Halloumi cheese and Moroccan Tagine are no longer strange to us. Today we bought cheddar cheese at Whole Foods that came all the way from Cheddar, England!

Approaching Christmas,  it's very cold.  It gets dark about 4:00 pm.  Mince pies and mulled wine are popular at this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe that it has been 2 years! Hope you both are recovering. Your pictures are wonderful; it must be amazing to immerse yourself in the life of another city. London looks amazing. Love,
