Friday, August 20, 2021

The Estorick Collection

The Estorick Collection of modern Italian art is housed in a Georgian building in Islington, a borough of inner London.  It is an inconspicuous and intimate gallery hidden on a side street and one could easily pass it by.  Yet, it has a gift shop, a café serving delicious Italian coffee and treats, a peaceful courtyard and a marvelous and important collection of modern Italian art.

Erick Estorick, an American, arrived in England in 1947, and after marrying German born Salome Dessau, began collecting art on their visits to Italy.  They particularly liked Futurist works, which emphasized speed and technology and shunned the past.  

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Currently at the gallery is a temporary exhibit by the French abstract painter Olivier Debre (1920-1999), known for his large scale color-field paintings. 

paintings in the Olivier Debre gallery

Modern Idol by Umberto Boccioni, 1911

Quaker Oats - Cubist Still Life by Gino Severini, 1917

Portrait of Fontana, 1907, by Giacomo Balla

Landscape with Chimney, by Giorgio Morandi, 1926

Bust of a Woman, by Giacomo Manzu,1952

The Belvedere by Massimo Campigli, 1930

Acrobats by Guiditta Scalini, 1950

Two Women By Massimo Campigli, 1943

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