Thursday, August 12, 2021

HMS Belfast

Today we visited the HMS Belfast, a WWII warship built in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which was first launched in 1938. The ship today is permanently moored on the Thames River.  During WWII, it housed 1000 men and fired some of the first shots on D Day.  We explored its nine decks, ascending and descending numerous steep and narrow ladder steps.  Everywhere were a lot of curious machines, some used to intercept enemy radio transmission and others to lob projectiles.   Exploring the boiler room and engine room, it was interesting to view all the intriguing equipment that propelled this massive vessel through the seas.

D Day

Frederick Parham, Captain from 1942 to 1944
Height of the Second World War

The HMS Belfast

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and educational. Nice pictures of you John but give us that "Hurley smile". Whose cat is it???
