Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tower Bridge

The iconic Tower Bridge, constructed in the late 1800's, crosses the River Thames near the Tower of London.  Two high-level, partially glass-floored, pedestrian walkways extend between its 2 towers, offering dramatic views.

Monument to the Great Fire of London

A massive Doric column was erected in the 1670's to commemorate the 1666 Great Fire which gutted the medieval city within the old Roman wall.  The fire started in a bakery on Pudding Lane.  The viewing platform at the top of the column is reached via 345 steps.


Friday, April 21, 2023

Alice Neel: Hot Off The Griddle

"One of the reasons I painted was to catch life as it goes by, right hot off the griddle ..."    -Alice Neel (1900-1984)

American artist Alice Neel is the subject of the current show at the Barbican Art Gallery.

Alice Neel

Portrait of Annie Sprinkle

Neel's 1970 portrait of Andy Warhol.
It prominently features his scars from
Valerie Solanas' 1968 assassination attempt.

Scale model of the Barbican Estate