Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Colleges of Cambridge University

Cambridge University comprises 31 colleges, some of which allow tourists to roam their campuses.  Today we visited Queens, Kings, Magdalen, and Corpus Christi colleges.  Cambridge is the world's 3rd oldest surviving university.

Queen's College, Old Court.
Sundial dates from 1642.

Old Hall.  Built in 1451, updated in mid 1800's. 

The Lodge, in Cloister Court.  Built in 1460, it is the
largest half-timbered building remaining in Cambridge.

Queen's College sits on the River Cam.

The Wooden Bridge, completed in 1905, replaced a bridge
built in 1749.

Queen's College entry gate.

King's College campus.

King's College entry gate.

Inside King's College Chapel.  Built in
phases from 1446 to 1515, it features
the world's largest fan vault.

Fan vault (ceiling) detail.

King's College Chapel

St. Peter's Church

Kettles Yard is a small
modern art museum.

Corpus Christi College

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Somerset House Tour

Built in 1776, Somerset House fronted directly on the Thames until the Victoria Embankment was constructed in the 1860's.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A late afternoon stroll around Cambridge

Cambridge is a beautiful university city about 55 miles north of London.  The university was founded in 1209.