Monday, January 30, 2023


Today we stopped by the Sci-Fi exhibit at the London Science Museum.

Dalek from Doctor Who (1965)

Our arrival at the Space Port

Lt. Uhura's uniform worn in Star Trek:
The Motion Picture (1979)

Astronaut Mae Jemison on board the space shuttle
Endeavour (1992)

Hypersleep Pod from Prometheus (2012)

The Starship Enterprise

Alien costume from Close Encounters
of the Third Kind (1977)

Alien and offspring from Alien (1979)

Tricorder from Star Trek

Dr. McCoy operating his tricorder.

Darth Vader's helmet from Star Wars:
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Iron Man

Costume worn by Boris Karloff in
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

from Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927)

Robby the Robot from
Forbidden Planet (1956)

Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

from I, Robot (2004)

Gort from The Day the Earth Stood
Still (1951)


Returning to Earth

Exiting to the gift shop.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Art of the Spanish World

Today we attended the Spanish Treasures exhibit at the Royal Academy in Piccadilly.

Door Knockers

Baptismal Font c.1400

St. Jerome by El Greco c.1600

Hebrew Bible c.1450

Black Book of Hours c.1450

by Diego Velazquez c.1640

Writing Box

Mexican Shawl

St. Michael Striking Down the
Rebellious Angels c.1650

St. Peter of Alcantara and
St. Teresa c.1720

Altar Lamp c.1675

The Four Fates of Man:  Death, Soul in Hell,
Soul in Purgatory, and Soul in Heaven

The Duchess of Alba by Goya 1797

Sea Idyll by Joaquin Sorolla 1908

Louis Tiffany by Sorolla 1911

The Family of the Gypsy Bullfighter
by Ignacio Zuloaga 1903

Textile Fragment c.1300

The Wedding at Cana by Nicolas de Correa 1696.
This painting is inlaid with iridescent mother-of-pearl.

In the gift shop.